Shhh, don’t tell everyone but I’m #WOL

As part of my new found commitment to engaging more on-line, I thought a good choice for development would be my blogging. Looking at my WordPress account you will see a sparodical mess of content with no consistency of topic, length or validity and if I were share access to my drafts you would find nearly 20 false starts spanning a few years. If I’m going to be serious about my reinvigoration a good way for me is to use this place is for summing-up and reflecting on my week.

In essence I’m going to be Working Out Loud, and am hoping to not only improve my blogging (and drawing) skills but also provide some focus for my reflection.

One of the biggest hurdles though, is my need to present a perfect blog (hence the numerous false starts). Reading an article from PsychologyToday this morning reminded me of how much editing I indulge in; consranrly checking and re-checking spelling, structure, grammar, punctuation and how I need to let that go and just post (See, I resisted the urge to correct consranrly to constantly…..damn it!)

So, here’s hoping that not only can I let go and produce, but at least one person finds this an interesting journey and deicdes to contribute to my thought processes.

Wish me luck!

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